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Tretmani posvećeni zdravlju

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Počnite danas!


  Želite li:

  • više energije

  • bistrije misli

  • zdraviju kosu i kožu

  • poboljšanje općeg stanja

  • riješiti se nadimanja i zatvora

  • bez lijekova

  • bez kemikalija


Hydrocolon Terapija

Hydrocolon terapija je preventivna i terapijska metoda koja igra važnu ulogu u olakšavanju mnogih zdravstvenih problema. Nježno ispiranje debelog crijeva pomaže tijelu u vraćanju i održavanju dobrog zdravlja. Neizostavan je dio cjelovite detoksikacije organizma. Nužan za vrijeme posta, ozbiljnijih dijeta i kao pomoć mršavljenju.



- povećana vitalnost

- ojačati mišićno tkivo debelog crijeva i njegovu funkciju

- vratiti Ph balans tijela

- otkloniti otvrdjelu toksična masu i otrove

- postići zdraviju okolinu za potrebne bakterije i mikrofloru probavnog sustava

- bolja probava i redovite stolice

- omogućiti slobodan prolaz hranjivim sastojcima u krvi

 - pripremiti se za crijevne preglede (kolonoskopiju)

- priprema za post i čišćenje za vrijeme posta


Brinuti se o zdravlju debelog crijeva pada na posljednje mjesto kad je riječ o brizi za zdravlje našeg tijela, ipak zdravlje debelog crijeva je prvi i najvažniji korak u očuvanju i vraćanju vitalnosti.

Dr. Norman Walker


Zagađena crijeva oslabljuju imunitet. Oslabljen imunitet je sinonim za loše zdravlje




Kako izgleda tretman hydrocolon terapije?

Tretman je za većinu klijenata vrlo ugodno iskustvo. Terapeutska tehnika omogućuje da se pročišćena voda unese u debelo crijevo stimulirajući prirodno svojstvo crijeva da oslobodi sadržaj. Taj se proces ispiranja i otpuštanja ponavlja u više navrata. Sam proces je jedna vrsta pasivne gimnastike crijeva što omogućuje dugoročno bolju funkciju crijeva. Za vrijeme tretmana imate na sebi većinu svoje odjeće i pokriveni ste. Želimo da se osjećate maksimalno ugodno.


Da li je tretman bolan?

Ne. Dok se vaše debelo crijevo puni vodom možete osjetiti blage grčeve, ali to je dobro. Terapeutu ti signali pomažu odrediti pravi trenutak za otpuštanje. Dobra komunikacija sa terapeutom čini to iskustvo bezbolnim. Posebno obučen terapeut će biti uz vas cijelo vrijeme.


Da li ću osjetiti neugodan miris?

Ne. Ne brinite. Hydrokolon tretman Aquanetom 2000 je posve zatvoren sustav i ne postoji opasnost od zagađenja ili neugodnih mirisa.


Hoće li me Hydrocolon izliječiti mojih boljki?

Mnogi liječnici uključujući i dr.Bernarda Jensena potvrdili su da zdravlje i smrt počinju u debelom crijevu.Čišćenje tijela je stara praksa koja se koristi na putu ozdravljenja, prevencije i obnavljanja zdravlja. Ozdravljenje je proces koji morate uzeti u svoje ruke.


Da li se trebam posebno pripremati za Hydrocolon tretman?

Dobro je ne jesti barem dva sata prije tretmana. Opustite se i uživajte. Ako se nadate smšaviti, preporučit ćemo vam način prehrane koji će potaknuti čišćenje i zajedno sa Hydrocolon terapijom donijeti izuzetne rezultate.


Hoću li dehidrirati?

Upravo suprotno, Hydrocolon će zapravo hidratizirati vaše tijelo.


Hoće li Hydrocolon saprati svu moju dobru i potrebnu floru?

Ne. Čišćenje toksičnih naslaga iz debelog crijeva pomoći će razvijanju dobre flore unutar zdravijeg okruženja.


Hoću li osjetiti nelagodu nakon tretmana?

Većina se osjeća fantastično nakon tretmana, odlaze sjajnog pogleda i glatke kože. Vrlo rijetko se događa da klijent osjeti posljedice procesa detoksikacije, poput umora i praznine. Generalno pravilo je da ćete se osjećati sjajno.


Mogu li nakon tretmana ići na posao i nastaviti s uobičajenim aktivnostima?

Možete nastaviti raditi što god ste planirali. Hydrocolon je kao da ste bez napora obavili dvije ili tri nužde unutar 45 minuta, koliko traje tretman.


Koliko traje tretman?

Prvi tretman koji uključuje i konzultacije traje otprilike 90 minuta. Kasniji tretmani traju sat vre mena od čega 15 minuta odlazi na pripreme.


Koja je cijena tretmana?

Prvi tretman hydrocolon terapije s konzultacijama stoji 700 kn. Svaki slijedeći je 600 kn.


Koliko tretmana netko treba?

Obično treba više od jednog tretmana da se sistem sustavno očisti i detoksicira. Trebalo je godine da se tijelo dovede u stanje u kojem je, ipak većina će osjetiti dobrobiti Hydrocolon terapije u seriji od pet tretmana.

Vaš prvi tretman je ujedno vaš prvi korak ka vitalnosti i čuvanju zdravlja.



- astma i alergije

- prekomjerna težina

- gljivične infekcije

- kronični umor

- nadutost

- česte prehlade

- neugodan zadah

- depresija

- glavobolja

- nesanica

- kandidijaza

- bol u leđima

- probavne smetnje

 - promjena na koži

 - artritis

- zatvor 



Would you like?

 - more energy

 - clearer mind

 - healthier skin and hair

 - improved sense of wellbeing

 - relief from bloating and constipation



Colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation, provides an important role in relieving many health problems.

Your colon, also called the large intestine or bowel, is responsible for cleansing your system of solid waste and it provides a key role in completing the digestive process of absorbing nutrients and vitamins.

If your colon is overburdened [e.g. build up over years of uncleared waste, the effects of pollution, chemicals, drugs, food additives, the wrong kind of food, too much tea, coffee, or alcohol, insufficient water) your whole system is put under stress.

You cannot have a healthy body without clean blood, and you cannot have clean blood unless you have a clean colon.

A toxic colon [bowel] is the source of many health problems.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a Colon Hydrotherapy Session Like?

A. A session is a comfortable experience for most people. It produces no toxicity. Techniques allow a small amount of water to flow into the colon, gently stimulating the colon's natural peristaltic action to release softened waste. The inflow of a small amount of water and the release of waste may be

repeated several times. The removal of waste should encourage better colon function and elimination. During the session, most clothing can be kept on and a gown is provided and you will also be draped to ensure modesty. Your dignity is always maintained.


Q. Does it hurt?

A. No. As your colon fills with water you may have some cramping. This is good. Your therapist uses this cue to empty your colon and assist you to release. Good communication with the therapist is what makes it a pain-free experience. A fully trained Colonic Irrigation Practitioner will be with you during the entire treatment.


Q. Are there any smells or leakages?

A. No. Don't worry - there are no embarrassing smells. The clinic uses a "closed system". And most people do not leak and it is very rare that a client makes a mess.


Q. Will colonics cure me of diseases?

A. It has been said by many healers, including Dr. Bernard Jensen, that health and death begin in the colon. Cleansing the body is an ancient practice employed by many on the healing path, both for prevention and restoration, and your healing journey is about your personal choices. That being said, please know that we are not medical doctors. We cannot and do not diagnose, prescribe or treat any condition, and recommend that you see your medical doctor if you have any health concerns, as well as for regular check ups.


Q. Does having a menstrual period at the time of a colon hydrotherapy session have any effect on the treatment?

A. No - in fact it's usually a good time to receive a treatment since your body is already cleansing. Your flow will not interfere with the success of the treatment.


Q. Do I need to prepare for a colon hydrotherapy session?

A. Just refrain from eating for about two hours before your session.

Be relaxed and cheerful. .. enjoy it.


Q. Will a colonic dehydrate me?

No. Quite the opposite - it hydrates the body.


Q. Will a colonic wash out all my friendly flora?

A. Again, no. Cleaning out the toxic material from your colon can help to reestablish an environment where healthy bacteria can flourish.


Q. Will I experience any discomfort or alter effects?

A. Most people feel fantastic after a colonic! Most clients leave with bright eyes and glowing skin, feeling much better than when they walked in. Occasionally, a client will feel the effects of the body continuing to detox such as feeling tired. empty or lighter, which passes quickly.

A general rule is that you will feel great.


Q. Can I go back to my regular routine or work directly after a session?

A. Yes - you can do whatever you need to do. Having a colonic is just like having two or three bowel motions in one 45 minute session.


Q. How long is a session?

A. The first session which includes a consultation and a colon hydrotherapy is approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. The colon hydrotherapy session is about 45 minutes. but you should allow up to 1 hour for your next visit.


Q. How much does it cost?

A. 700 HRK for the first visit, which includes consultation session and colonic therapy. 600 HRK for subsequent colonic therapy session.


Q. How many colonic sessions does one need?

A. It generally takes more than one colonic to get your system cleansed and detoxified. After all, it has taken years to get your body into the shape it's in now. Most people greatly benefit from doing a five series program. Having one colonic is the first step towards renewed health and vitality. After your first colonic, you can discuss with the therapist how many sessions you might need.




Toxic material is broken down so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation of foods and elimination of waste. Faecal debris built up over a long period is gently removed over a series of hydrotherapy treatments. Once this impacted material is removed, your colon can again resume its normal absorption and elimination function. A colon hydrotherapy session may be considered a rejuvenation treatment for your body.



The build up of the toxic debris weakens the colon and impairs its function. Gentle filling and emptying of the colon can improve peristalsis [natural muscular contractions] that aids efficient removal of waste material. 



Over time, the natural shape of a problematic colon will become distorted causing even more problems. The gentle water action and massage techniques of the therapist will help eliminate protruding pockets of waste and narrow, spastic constrictions. After a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions, the colon gradually begins to resume its natural shape.



Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points. A colon hydrotherapy session stimulates these reflex points, thereby affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way, similar to reflexology.



Consider this ...

..The colon is a sewage system, but by neglect and abuse it becomes a cesspool. When it is clean and normal, we are well and happy. Let it stagnate and it will distil the poisons of decay, fermentation, and putrefaction into the blood, poisoning the brain and nervous system so that we become mentally depressed and irritable; it will poison the heart so that we are weak and listless; poison the lungs so that the breath is foul; poison the digestive organs so we are distressed and bloated; and poison the blood so the skin is sallow and unhealthy. In short, every organ of the body is poisoned, and we age prematurely; look and feel old, the joints are stiff and painful. neuritis, full eyes, and a sluggish brain overtake us, and the pleasure of living is gone". 

- Dr. Bernard Jensen, world renowned nutritionist and holistic health practitioner, author and lecturer.



A toxic bowel weakens the immune system.

A weakened immune system is synonymous

with "ill-health" and will manifest with symptoms in conditions such as:

• food allergies

• insomnia

• fungal/yeast infections 

• chronic fatigue

• backache

• bloating & flatulence

• digestive problems

• frequent colds 

• skin disorders 

• bad breath

• arthritis

• depression

• constipation

• weight problems



Colon hydrotherapy provides an important role in relieving many health problems. By gently cleansing the colon. the body is assisted in recovering and maintaining good health.

The benefits which may be felt include:

• increased vitality

• improvement in muscle tone facilitating peristalsis

• stimulating the immune system

• restoring proper pH balance to the body

• removal of hardened waste & harmful toxins

• providing a favourable environment for bacteria and microflora for digestion

• promoting a return of normal. regular bowel movements

• allowing free passage of nutrients into the blood



"Colon health is the most neglected and forgotten part of the body. Colon health emphasises prevention rather than a cure. If is the most important step in

maintaining or regaining vital health."

 - Dr. Norman Walker, D.Sc.Ph.D.


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